4 October 2009

And an even busier weekend

Weekends for me start on Friday morning - I usually do a quick whizz through the house and get the washing done. This week was no different! Saturday I was at my knitting workshop which didn't quite live up to my expectations but never mind... sorry Pauline. However I did pick up a few tips so at least it wasn't too much of a disappointment. Peter and I managed a good walk when I got home, and I completed the first of the second batch of chicken coats, plus cast on for the next. I will post some pictures when finished.

Today we got all the windows downstairs cleaned inside and out, put the wood burner back in and re-arrange the lounge, cleaned the brass. Emptied my hanging baskets, always feel a bit sad, like summer is over, well it is actually. My troughs are still going strong so I will leave them for a bit longer. Peter is starting to clear the veg patch as items come to an end and deciding whether or not to put in some over wintering veg - broad beans, onions and the like.

We had a call from my Mum to say that my Dad now has shingles, poor Dad. He'd had his third round of chemo, the last two times he's ended up in hospital, and apart from sickness and hair loss was looking to be ok, now this, he has it on the side of his head and over his eye, so is feeling pretty miserable. Lets hope he picks up soon as chemo session four is due on 13 October, it really isn't fun getting old.

On that cheery note I'll sign off for today, and go get my knitting out.

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