9 March 2014

Weekend - the weather dictates

We have had an amazing weekend weather wise.  Wall to wall sunshine and around 15C, perfect for making a start on the garden.

I may never move again but feel very satisfied with what we achieved. Lots of garden rubbish, lots of moss, its a work in progress with a reward at the end


  1. Your yard is so lovely! It's like a secret garden full of beautiful things. I am green with envy about all the green things I am seeing. Our grass is a lovely shade of dead! Oh but in a month we'll start to catch up to you :).

  2. Spring Beauty. Every picture is so very lovely.
    No sign of it here :(

  3. You have a lovely garden area! It looks like a great place for grandkids to play - lots of space!

  4. It looks beautiful to me! Hope mum and baby are doing well!


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Yours in friendship, Sue x