5 February 2020

Enjoying the slow times

Its been good to just kick back and take it easy over the past week or so.  A few walks, reading and knitting.  Just enjoying some quiet times.

The garden is waking up and we are enjoying some early spring colour.  The Hellebores are blooming

Clumps of tiny Tom Thumb daffodils

I also spotted some Anemones on bud and there are some Primroses too. New growth on the roses and clematis.  Peter ran the mower over the lawn last week as that has started to grow, though we did have a hefty frost this morning, so hopefully it wont do any damage.

My monthly crochet project - I achieved 15 for January, only 11 shown here.

I'm still working on my Ten Stitch blanket, each round takes so much longer now.  I printed off a pattern for a new shawl - Exoridum by Rebecca Picoult. I have some yarn in my stash that will be perfect, so there's a good chance this will get cast on before the blanket is finished!

I made Seville orange marmalade, I thought 2 kgs of oranges would be great until I was half way through cutting them up, guess that's why most recipes say "take a kilo of oranges"

We finished up the last of the Christmas cake at the weekend.  Its been a great lunch with some cheese. We are also going through the cupboards clearing up all those odds and ends that hang about.  There is a very stinky Camembert in the fridge that may well be past its best, but we will give it a try.  Dinner tonight is chili and nachos, the chili was in the freezer so an easy dinner,  Peter is currently making guacamole and salsa.  I have him well trained!

We are meeting friends for lunch tomorrow, dinner and babysitting on Friday.  Saturday I'm taking Jess and Rachel on our annual girly shopping trip and lunch for her up coming birthday - 6 can you believe she will be 6?  Time surely does fly, and with that I'll close.  Enjoy the rest of your week


  1. THE MARMALADE LOOKS DELICIOUS! THAT'S ONE OF MY FAVORITE JAMS. Haven't made it in years. The afghan's looking good. I'm doing a diagonal one. I enjoy crochet in between knitting. Loved seeing your flowers coming up. Also knitting baby socks. They are fun to do. Take Care!

  2. Love the photos of your flowers . And the marmalade... yummm



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