Whilst on the subject of cake - one like this plus other home baked goodies will be available for those of you that are coming to Beck and Tim's wedding, so make sure you have loose waistlines, there will be plenty to eat. They will all be displayed on my now large collection of antique glass cake stands and platters, not sure what I'll do with them all after the wedding, but some are so lovely I'll just have to find a use for them.
Chux Tux - is finally finished, not a very satisfying knit but Rachel was pleased with it, so it will go off to work with her on Monday, and hopefully they will decide how many chickens they plan to get so I can fit in further tux amongst the more interesting knitting that I have planned.
I've picked up a little bolero jacket I abandoned a few weeks ago, so need to finish that, then I plan to knit something out of my new baby knit books that I got before I went on holiday. Just wish there were more hours in the day!
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