23 February 2010

The Good Granny Guide

I was given a copy of this for my recent birthday, so am duly reading it for tips on how to become a good grandmother.  15 weeks to go and counting.  What to be called though, that is the question. We already have a Grandma and a Nanny courtesy of the Mrs J's grandmothers, so you add just a 'great' to them and they are happy.  Both Nana and Granny sound old to me, and I don't really see myself as a Grandma.  Mrs J has been calling me Granny Sue for a number of weeks and I must confess its growing on me, so I think Granny Sue it will be, or old bag or whatever else the child decides to call me as it gets older.

I'm currently knitting up white cotton bootees, seeing how many pairs I can make out of the cotton yarn in my stash.  Still haven't finished the Little Pixie Jacket, half a hood and the bands to do, itching to start another Comfort Blanket.

The Monday Craft Group is going from strength to strength, one of the girls presented me with a large rectangle of garter stitch, asking what she could do with it, so we knitted up a long strap and turned it into a bag.  She went home very happy, wearing said bag and yarn to knit another.  I feel very pleased about the way they have taken to this skill and the enthusiasm they show for it.  The group has just been given a sum of money that will secure its future for the next 12 months and allow us to buy much needed supplies.

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Yours in friendship, Sue x