18 May 2016

Knitting - WIP Wednesday

Good morning, hope all is well in your world today.  We have grey skies and drizzle right now, perfect weather for knitting as there is no guilt about being outside and doing the garden.  However, the house needs some attention!  Oh well you know what they say "dust if you must" I love this poem

I have two WIPs on the go at the moment.  A cardigan for Jess

and a hat for Angus

Whilst talking about Angus, who is 1 week old today, here is a cute photo I took on Monday, all snugged up in some Granny's knits.  Adorable or what?


  1. The best dressed and cozied grandkids ever.
    I have never seen that poem before. Love it!

  2. I had all but forgotten that poem. I think that I should print it out and hang a copy in every room.

  3. Definitely adorable!
    Really like the way you've set your photos Sue especially that first one, it looks really good.

  4. Your baby is beautiful...

  5. Love the baby and that blanket...so perfect together


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Yours in friendship, Sue x