2 September 2019

August over and out

We start a new week, a new month, a busy month, but there is still time to reflect on the last week of August.  A cooler week which was a blessing.  One where you felt able to get outside and do stuff without fear of sunstroke or breaking into a sweat.

So what did we do? 

As previously mentioned the Monday was the last bank holiday of the year and hot.

Tuesday - I had a friend over for lunch and a catch up, and then Rachel and the children came over for dinner - Paella was requested. Whilst eating dinner we had an amazing storm which the kids thought was great, me not so, but it was the final break in the hot weather and the air felt less charged and just so much fresher.

Wednesday - we went to visit Mum, no real change in her though they are making her eat her meals in the main dining room and then keeping her down there rather than letting her just fester in her room (where she'd rather be), I'm sure the company is much better for her even if it is quite noisy.  Some dementia patients make a lot of sudden noise. 

After that we headed for Oxburgh Hall as I wanted to check out their gardens, but alas the hot weather had sent everything over and they were struggling to tidy up and deadhead everything.  It was a quick visit. Just a photo of the formal garden, the perennial walk is behind that hedge in the background

We also popped into Anglesey Abbey as we could go that way home and had a wander in the grounds before heading back, still lots of people about in the main areas, this is a very popular National Trust property

Thursday we spent in the garden deadheading and trimming up some of the larger shrubs, it proved to be a bigger job than I thought but we are tidy again and there is still plenty of colour in the garden for now

Friday we had the little ones for the day. I ended up with a really bad headache (kneeling on the floor, head down making bead necklaces with Jess) and took myself off for a lay down before it turned into a migraine

Saturday there was a Classic Car show in the village which we went and visited before heading off for a walk through to St Ives and back - usual route.  There was a good turnout for the show.  I love the really old stuff rather than the 70's stuff but still plenty of good cars.

Then Sunday, whilst technically September, but still part of the weekend, we had long time friends visit for a very overdue catch up.  Whilst we "see and speak" on social media and whatsapp its just not the same as a good face to face chat.

On the knitting front all the hot water bottles are finished and ready to be delivered to the Chateau.  I'm very pleased with how they turned out and have had lots of comments on Instagram

I cast on the September socks last night, determined not to leave myself short on time this month.  Rufus has asked for a pair, so this month will be for him.  He has very skinny legs so I am making the leg part of the sock in 2 x 2 rib and hopefully they will stay up!!

Plans for this week?  Today we are heading into Cambridge, Peter needs a haircut and we plan on a bit of shopping and a visit to the Chinese supermarket in Mill Road.  We have Jess tomorrow.  Meeting a friend and giving blood on Wednesday, that's as far as I've got this week. 

Whatever you are doing have a fun time.  Until next time xx

1 comment:

  1. The antique cars must of been fun to see. I wouldn't mind seeing those. We have show like that on the cape, but I don't think we have that many. The hot water bottles came out really good. Pat yourself on the back for a great job!! I remember a while back you were not sure about what you would do now that you were retired. Seems like you figured it out. You take good care!!


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Yours in friendship, Sue x