28 September 2020

Its 'Q'time again

 Yes folks, back from France, hence another two weeks quarantine.  I can tell you, this is starting to wear me down.  I'm happy to stay home and not see anyone but I see no rhyme or reason why we need to stay shut in the house when we would be happy to go for a walk with a mask on if necessary, not that we are very likely to encounter anyone on our walks around here.  There are people in parts of the country not allowed to mix with their family in house or garden, but can go to the pub!  Tell me where is the logic in that.  This whole Covid situation is so confusing and contrary.  In France you have to wear your mask fullstop!  Indoors in shops etc or outdoors walking in the street, fine by me, even if it is a bit warm at times. I don't have an answer, at times I think we should just get on with it and take our chances as I think more people are going to suffer long term mental health issues than die from Covid.  

Right off my soapbox.  What did we do in France?

Drove through a beautiful misty sunrise

Made towns with cardboard, stones and shells, did splat painting, walked.  Just look at the size of that Dahlia, one of many in the Chateau borders and cutting garden

Dinner in Le Mans - three of my handsome boys
Before watching the last night of the summer lights in the town 
Brocanting in Durtal and testing the level of the lake
River fun at Saint Leonard des Bois
The highlight of our trip - an invite to join in the grape harvest at Chateau du Petit Thouars - it was such a great day and one that we will remember for a long time - such fun
Kittens joining in for a walk, they just wont be left behind

Tackling a tree that decided to fall!!  It was due to come down this autumn - huge beetle/grub infestation - but took matters into its own hands.  Luckily no one was hurt or any damage done.
Lovely zinnias

Clouds of Japanese anemones

White Cosmos

Making beds, weeding, picking produce and general garden tidy for me.  Gite work for Peter, its coming along slowly due to the Chateau still receiving a small trickle of guests, which takes up time but for which they are grateful.  

The Chateau shop is now restocked so if you fancy a bit of Chateau style then pop and take a look, maybe start your Christmas shopping too.

I think that just about summarizes our stay.  So its back to sit around, catch up on my knitting, keep on top of our tiny garden and wish the 8 October to come around quickly.  

Take care and wear that mask xx

1 comment:

  1. Such a good time in France with lots to do and see. I long to meet you there.
    As to the contradictions in covid rules....I wholeheartedly agree!


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