25 July 2020

Getting about

It’s three and a half weeks now since I damaged my knee and I’m finally working ways to get stuff done. Walking a bit further every day but am a long way from kneeling yet, how do I know... let’s just say I tried and it hurts, the language was none too sweet, just as well I was home alone. 

The garden is now tidy and new plants have been added. We had a trip to the garden centre and the market for some plants to see us well into autumn. It’s funny when you look at the garden, think it’s full, then you can just manage to find some holes that need filling. That’s my excuse as I shoehorn more in. I love a full border. Shrubs are ok, they have their day, then they are just boring green backdrops to the perennials and bulbs. I’m still not totally happy with the back fence area but if I make the border any deeper I’ll be in trouble. I already have my eye on the base of the pergola for a border. Just waiting for hubby to get bored with trimming round the climbers!

My second pair of socks are finished. They were such a quick project while I waited for some yarn to arrive. 

This yarn will become a shawl for one of my Instagram followers, she admired the last one I made and after a few private messages I decided if she got me the yarn I’d knit it up for her. I’ve currently not got much on knit wise and clearly don’t need anymore shawls myself. The yarn arrived this morning and I’ve already cast on.  I will post some photos of my progress as I go along. I still have a few hot water bottles to finish so the projects will run in tandem

It’s been a stormy afternoon which in some respects is good as I won’t need to water the plants this evening.  Right back to my knitting, enjoy your weekend and don’t leave home without your mask x


  1. Glad the knee is working a little better for you. Watch that kneeling!

  2. Love your garden! It looks wonderful! Have you been to the doctor's about your knee? Hopefully that could help you. Just a thought!! The socks turned out nice. That's so nice of you to do the shawl. The blue is very pretty!! Take care ,Stay safe!


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Yours in friendship, Sue x