14 March 2022

The weekend

We’ve had a great weekend with our youngest grandchildren.  The house has been in chaos, so much food has been consumed, not sure where these two put it all! It’s been noisy, messy and fun.

We started off collecting them from school on Friday afternoon and first took them shopping to make sure we had everything they would want for the weekend.

Pizza for dinner, they always have pizza on Friday. They had a carpet picnic in front of the tv because they could! 

Saturday morning, sofas become trucks, of course they do….

Once dressed and out we collected their Saturday sweets from the shop and headed to the park and then on to check out the allotment. After a good run around we headed home for lunch. After lunch they made toffee crispy cakes with Pops and then Gus and Pops worked in the garden for a while whilst Jess and I made modelling clay animals from a gift she received. 

Next up was dinner prep, Jess and Pops made dauphinois potatoes. They had requested these with a roast chicken, Yorkshire puddings, peas, carrots and gravy.

Better than TV, Jess watching the puddings rise

They certainly did justice to their dinner which gladdens my heart, I do hate preparing a meal which then doesn’t get eaten properly.

Sunday was back to the park where Jess conquered her fear of the twisted ladder 

How Gus wasn’t sick on this piece of equipment I have no idea 

Bamboo sticks of course

After lunch of Mac and cheese which Jess help me make there was a bit of crafting then Gus launched a Cato (Pink Panther) style attack on Pops. You really need your wits about you with Gus he is a master of surprise attacks!

Look at that cheeky face. 

It was a good weekend we all had fun. Must admit after getting back from dropping them home we commented how quiet the house was. Funny how you get used to your quiet life and don’t actually realise just how quiet it is. Does you good to shake it up a bit! How was your weekend?

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