With the garden room complete my thoughts turn to the house. The kitchen to be precise, having had it retiled I can no longer put up with the yellow walls.
I have spent all day sorting - firstly I sorted cupboards in the utility room to try and make more space, rearranged shelves and tidied. I then found a new home for the hundreds of photographs that we possess. I did manage not to look at them otherwise I would have got nothing done; that will be a job for the winter months, go through, chuck out and finally get whats left put into albums. Boxed up all the old video tapes that we've not watched for years, these will be going off to the charity shop. Sorted drawers under the bed. Sorted yarn for two more Ten Stitch Blankets. Cleaned brass.
Next job was my sitting room, now its furniture has been moved out into the garden room, I have space to decant the contents of the scullery shelves, I am ashamed to say they aren't very clean. Why do we collect so much stuff, everything needed washing then packing into boxes so that I could stack them in some kind of order. Tomorrow I will be washing down the walls and woodwork, filling cracks and trying to get the room painted.
Following the kitchen will be the sitting room, then the lounge, then carpets to be cleaned its a never ending job. I shouldn't complain as the decorating is long over due, we have turned a blind eye to it for too long! So you all know what we are up to this weekend.
We are managing to spend our evenings in the Garden Room though, its lovely and peaceful, a TV free zone, just music, books and knitting .....bliss
Enjoy your weekend, hopefully it won't rain, though we are offically in a drought area so need more. Now off for a bath then put my feet up, yes you guessed in our new room