15 April 2020

Lockdown - Stay at home activities

Hope everyone is doing ok with the lockdown  Instead of a trip post I thought I'd show you what I've been up to in captivity oh sorry self-isolation!!

Most days we have been going for a walk.

We have been so lucky that the weather has been so good that spending time at home when you can sit in the garden isn't too much of a problem.  The thing I find odd though is its so quiet.  You would think with people at home you'd hear more verbal noise but no, just the occasional mower, dog bark or car starting up.

I've been baking

Knitting - Mask minders for the NHS

Adding rounds to the Ten Stitch

Keeping the garden tidy, whilst not being able to get out to the market stalls and garden centres which are closed for now.  Peter had fun converting the old buggy into a go-cart for the grandchildren, trouble is we now have a huge go-cart instead of a neatly folded buggy to store away!  It kept him busy for a whole day.  He has also put in an outside double socket and a much needed loft ladder.  The to-do list is starting to get worked on.

We both need haircuts, him more than me, I'll not post a photo he would kill me. There will definitely be queues once this lockdown is over.  I have offered to tidy him up but he has declined for now, going with the slicked back look...… he's normally #2 on the sides and scissor cut on top!  Me I'm wearing a hairband around the house, in fact yesterday I improvised with a large bag clip whilst making lunch, wore it all day, worked a treat!!

So there you have it, two weeks home, and at least we didn't bring anything back with us. Will we ever get used to our liberty being taken away?  Can life ever return to normal? What is normal anyone?  All we can do is follow orders, be sensible, try not to worry, stop reading the news (me) and just keep your distance.  I just thank technology for allowing us to be able to talk and see our loved ones, can you imagine if this had happened 15 years ago?

Stay safe.  I'll get back to writing some more of our trip up soon  xx

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