10 April 2020

Retirement Trip ..... Cut short part 7

Dunedin - we set off early for our fridge change meeting.  They said to allow them around 2 hours to do the work, so we headed off into Dunedin.  It was a fresh breezy morning so we tried to stay on the sunny side of the street as I had shorts on.  The one place I wanted to check out was the famous railway station.  No longer in use apart for tourist trips it is a real show piece.  Check out the photos I think you will agree

Dunedin itself has lots of Victorian architecture, good to see it so nicely preserved

Back at the workshop things were just being finished off.  One sparkly new fridge, smelling like a new fridge, I was more than happy to put our food items away.  This particular issue had been an interruption to our trip for 10 days, now to carry on with our holiday problem free.

Next stop - Moeraki Boulders - these boulders were incredible, like something from out of space dropped onto the beach and protruding out of the cliff face. 

As you can see they were very popular.  Just along the coast was the town of Omaru, which is another Victorian town - on a weekend they have all the little shops open - there was a wool shop, closed of course.  Omaru is also the Steampunk headquarters, lots on show, it was great fun

We overnight-ed in Omarama, nothing to write home about.  Had venison burgers for dinner in a hotel restaurant as that was about the only place open near the campground.

I'll leave you here for today.  Tomorrow promises to be an amazing day.  Catch you later

1 comment:

  1. That train station! Those boulders! THat wool!
    What a great adventure.


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