25 April 2020

Retirement Trip - what a day!

We left Reefton bright and early having planned to visit Buller Gorge as part of our day. 

Buller Gorge has the longest swingbridge in New Zealand.  Well having walked across the swingbridge at the Hokitika Gorge I thought this would be a breeze.  Alas no, as soon as I saw it I knew this was going to be a completely different kettle of fish.  These are not my photos, I was far to scared to take any, and if we hadn't of paid an entrance fee you would never have got me across it.  The terrifying thing is that you have to make way for people coming from the opposite direction.  This involves you leaning onto the side structure which as you can see tips away from you.  By the time I finally got across I felt sick and said there was no way I was going back across.

see how narrow it is!!!!
Once on the other side there is a lovely walkway and we spent some time wandering around and looking at the exhibits

This was the view for the return journey.  I knew I really could not walk over it. 

Whats the alternative you ask?  Well, if you had told me I would prefer to ride the Cometline then I would have said you were crazy but it was the best NZ$30 each I ever spent.  Whilst slightly terrifying, it was fast, safe and got us to the other side in one piece!!  I was sat behind Peter, so managed to get a few photos as we whizzed through the air.  Landing for him was the scary part as he saw the finish post looming between his legs, but it stopped in time!!  I have to say neither was a great experience.

The rest of the day was very tame in comparison, twists and turns then suddenly heading north we hit the fruit growing area, hops, kiwis, pears, apples, miles and miles of fruit.  It was great to see after weeks of sheep, cows and deer.  We ended the day in Kaiteriteri in the Tasman Bay.  Our plan was to keep going along the Golden Bay as far as we could on the South Island before heading back towards Picton and the North Island.  We had an enjoyable dinner in a small bar, sorry no photos but it was fillet of lamb on lentils and a couple of beers.

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