17 December 2021

I half expected it

It doesn’t do to make plans in these Covid times, unless you are prepared for change at short notice and heart ache.

Yesterday morning, one week before we were due to head to France for Christmas, we received the news that from 11pm today, Friday 17 December the border between the UK and France would be closed.

Shocked but somehow not surprised we weighed our options. Did we have enough time to rearrange our week? Get tests done and receive results, complete, print off and upload all the forms, cancel a long overdue hospital appointment. There were parcels enroute that were needed to take with us, which as it happens have still not arrived. Packing, visiting, shutting the house up.  We spent several hours in turmoil, indecision paralysing us. Tears, anger, frustration. How could this be happening again? In the end we talked with the girls, one here, one there. Decided that it just wasn’t going to happen for Friday. At that point the compelling reasons to travel not clear. so we would travel next week if possible - it’s not sadly.

I stress baked for something to do. Mince pies, my pastry as leaden as my heart!  They look lovely but wouldn’t win prizes.

I started wrapping presents, ones that now won’t be delivered until sometime in the new year (again)

Went and had my hair done, whilst it looks nice I couldn’t enjoy the experience, just too sad.

Today, Peter and Rachel went out for shopping and lunch in Cambridge. Another long overdue outing. This left me at home alone. I finished wrapping, until the last present arrives.  Then fished out a candle making kit I was bought years back and finally actually made some candles.  I love the colour I achieved and they are cinnamon scented.  I chucked in the saved candle ends - hate to throw them out - and the kit plus ends made 4 candles. I used Kilner jars as I figured they would take the hot wax nicely.

I later walked to St Ives to pick the grandchildren from school and take them home  Last day at school, hopefully they can have a couple of weeks free from covid testing and enjoy their holiday.

Tomorrow we will get the decorations down and try and bring some festive cheer into the house now we are going to be home. Better think about food shopping too …. Stay safe this festive season xx

1 comment:

  1. My Heart aches for you.
    Glad you found some worthwhile pursuits to fill the stress filled day. All are really lovely.


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