15 November 2021

Quiet weekend

How was your weekend?  Ours was quiet.  I finished Peter’s hat on Friday evening and did have plans to start that second sleeve.  A message from a friend had me changing track. Requirements for a couple of tiny cardigans for a small great niece had me rooting through my stash of yarn and patterns for something suitable.

After a quick shop and walk around the meadow on Saturday I settled down with my knitting

I cast this little cardigan off first thing on Sunday morning.  I wasn’t sure on the colour when I started it but it looks so cute.  The yarn is Stylecraft Lullaby which I won from having a star letter in Simply Knitting magazine a while back.

I then had a couple of false starts on the second cardigan.  First not liking the yarn combo I chose, then not being keen on the next pattern. I then settled for this one. I was initially put off by having to cast on 248 stitches in 4 ply to create the ruffle. It took a while, then I completely mucked up the stitch count when I got to the end of the row, not sure how as I went back along and checked what I’d done against the pattern. Anyway rather than pull it out, I adjusted the second and third row and got it back to the correct stitch count and the ruffle looks fine.  Interestingly, I checked on Ravelry and see that several other knitters have encountered the same problem so possibly not just me being stupid! I’m now half way up the first sleeve and will get this finished today and in the post tomorrow.

We have been to the allotment this morning. 

10 x Autumn Bliss raspberry canes now planted.

15 strawberry plants left for us by another plot holder which I have planted along the edge of the big bed.  This bed will be home to our squash and beans when the time is right.

moved the fleece from the onion sets and covered the broad beans we planted last week just to get them going. The onions are really coming through as are the weedlings still. We need to sort out some covering for the pathways as you can see the weeds coming up.

still need to sort the edges of the plot out too but all in good time.

The promised sun is just starting to show itself so after lunch we will head out for a walk for some exercise before getting back to the knitting.

1 comment:

  1. I adore those cardigans!
    My have you been busy with that allotment. Looks great and I know you will enjoy all the fresh fruits and veggies.
    We Spent the weekend celebrating 'Fritzgiving'. SO much activity and fun.


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Yours in friendship, Sue x