18 May 2021

Patience rewarded

 It has been a lovely day, just an odd sprinkle of rain this afternoon, nothing much to worry about. We went for our daily walk.  Today over the meadow from Hemingford Abbots to Houghton, around the village and then back over the fields to the Mill.

The river looked so peaceful today with the clouds reflecting.  All felt right with the world for 5 minutes

The streams were running fast from the recent rains, this was a tranquil trickle last week.

I’m kind of wondering if I’d like a narrow boat holiday? Not sure about the cramped conditions and lack of headroom.  Guess I’d need to take a look first before committing, though it does seem a leisurely way to travel

More new life on the river

Lots of wildflowers in the back lanes

Finally after weeks of waiting the cygnets have arrived, four currently, with one possibly two eggs left the hatch.  Mum must be relieved after nest sitting for so long.  We will walk that way again in a few days so hopefully I can get better photos and an update on numbers


  1. The Cygnet Babies are adorable! Great shots of them. We have been having nice Weather this whole week, finally. Take care!!

  2. Blue skies sure can lift one's spirits.


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Yours in friendship, Sue x