4 October 2021

Allotment day - 1

It was a productive first day on the allotment.  

We spent four hours clearing brambles, old carpet, rotten or overgrown fruit bushes. Broken wood pallets, plastic sheeting. You name it, it was there. We did discover a compost bin and a border fork, so that was a bonus.  

It turned out the plot wasn’t as big as we first thought. As it and the adjoining half plot were so overgrown it was difficult to see where each started and ended. However, over the last few weeks whilst we were away the other half has been worked on so we now have a clear division. 

Fortunately the soil is very light so the weeds are pulling out easily.  We decided to remove all the fruit bushes as I said, as they were overhanging the pathways and so old. We will replace with new plants in a more central location.

We have left a nice fire stacked and ready to burn on our next visit. Took home two builders bags full of plastic and metal and a wheelie bin full of stumps and stuff that will take too long to burn. Whilst we are allowed a fire it has to be during certain times and can’t be left.

We had to drag Rachel away, she would have carried on clearing. We even worked through lunchtime we were that focused. Hoping it will be good for the waistline.

We have rain overnight and tomorrow, so I guess Peter and I will go back on Wednesday to carry on clearing.  Once we have the plot cleared we will then define the edges and mark out the space.  It’s going to be fun seeing what we can grow 

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