29 December 2020

2020 December 29

We are in that in between Christmas and New Year time, when the days seem to meld into one. When it seems to involve trying to clear the fridge. No routine, not that routine figures much in our life these days. Wake up, have coffee, read, get up, breakfast, fill the day, bath, bed, read, lights out. Most of ‘fill the day’ is walking and knitting with meals, laundry, cleaning thrown in the mix when I feel like it. Nothing to look forward to, no one to meet, nothing to plan until life finally becomes ‘normal’. I shouldn’t complain we have our health, we are able to get about but I miss normal. I miss impromptu meetings. I miss my family. I miss hugs. It all just seems like it will never end. We talked to the girls again this morning, but it’s not the same. 

I didn’t actually set out for it to be a moaning post but that’s how it’s turned out, so sorry. 

The river is slowly going down, still running fast but definitely down. You can see signs of the river bank appearing and the water line on the submerged trees visible. 

Another grey drab day, not quite as cold as yesterday. I had new wellies arrive this morning so I was able to stomp around without getting mud on my jeans or worry about water going over my walking boots. Quite liberating, though not really suitable for a long walk. 

I promise I’ll try to be more upbeat on my next post. It would be good if I actually had something exciting to share but ...... x


  1. Most everyone feels the same as you do all over the world. just pray the vaccine stops a lot of the virus from spreading. It will take quite a while , but that's what we all are hoping for. I think it's good to get your emotions out and off your mind. Take care!

  2. I know exactly how you feel! Trying to play games with our grand daughter on the portal/ipad soon loses its appeal🤨 We are all missing cuddles 🥰 Keep strong and keep blogging, it makes us feel we’re not alone in this😊

  3. Moaning posts are a good thing. We need to get the frustrations out somehow.


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Yours in friendship, Sue x