11 October 2020

October - Day 11

A beautiful sunny morning found me back along the river, so much calmer today. Vibrant colours in the hedgerows still. Cows relaxing in the sun. Spy holes in the tree trunk. Pretty thatched cottage.  The church and lynchgate at Hemingford Abbots 

That cardigan is finished and I’m very pleased with it. What next? Well a request for a couple of hats for school from the youngest grandkids, so nice quick knits. I will get that ten stitch completed and then maybe some socks or a shawl

Tomorrow I get my haircut, I’m planning to go back short. My current style ??! is driving me crazy, constantly in my face and I just feel it makes me look older, who knows perhaps I just have to accept I am older but if I’m not happy with the new cut I can grow it again. My hair does grow fast....

I hope you are enjoying a good Sunday


  1. Liked your photos. The thatch cottages have always intrigue me. Don't know why either. The sweater came outlovely. I want to make one myself. Right now busy with Christmas knitting. I've got to get my hair cut also, but am leary with the virus! I'm high risk. darn it!! take care and stay safe!!

  2. Cardigan is lovely. And walks with you are always nice. Even from afar.


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Yours in friendship, Sue x