28 October 2020

October - day 28

Today has been almost a repeat of yesterday. As in not a whole lot happened and it rained, again. 

We popped out to run some errands this morning and when we got back I hung some wash out, it was blowing beautifully. It can’t have been out for more than 15 minutes when I realised the sky was black and I heard the first peal of thunder. I dashed out grabbed it all in and got the line away as the heavens opened!  Goodness it just poured. 

It’s pretty much rained on and off for the rest of the day. I got my wash dried in the dryer and then decided I may as well iron it as I couldn’t do anything else. Ironing two days running!  Must admit what I did yesterday had been in the basket a week, so I’m now up to date. Empty wash and ironing baskets!!

We await the news from France this evening to see if they are locking down again. You really can’t plan anything these days. Am I the only one who feels constantly anxious and on edge? I know there is nothing I personally can do other than wash hands wear a mask keep my distance but it just all feels so helpless/hopeless and does anyone/country really have any answers or are we just groping around in the dark. If we lockdown again what’s the odds of a third or fourth wave each time we try to live normally. How long will it take to give the vaccine, when it available, to the whole world? I really don’t see an end in sight right now, do you?


  1. No you’re not alone in feeling like you do Sue, just have to keep our chins up and keep doing our best. Really enjoying your daily blogs and envy the rainbows! We’ve had the heavy showers and winds but not those.
    Sue x

  2. Not alone at all. Maddening. Thank goodness there are always rainbows to remind us of the possibilities after the storms.


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Yours in friendship, Sue x