27 October 2020

October - day 26

What a busy day we had. An early start saw us having breakfast with family on the beach in Southwold. We certainly made the best of the lovely morning before the weather turned a bit showery. 

Long term readers of this blog will know that we usually spend an autumn week in Southwold, alas again this year we haven’t, but our youngest and her family are currently enjoying a half term break there. Their first getaway this year, after the disappointment of two cancelled trips to France. We were more than pleased to join them for the day choosing Monday as it had the best forecast. 

This Covid year has certainly changed the look and feel of any holiday, taking the spontaneity out of it and I feel so sorry for the businesses that are seeing their livelihoods curtailed due to restrictions. I can’t tell you how many people that were turned away from the pub whilst we were in there, making you feel you must drink up and either order another drink or leave. Gone are the days of a leisurely drink in a crowded pub, jostling to get to the bar, eyeing that bench in the sunshine or cosy seat by the fire. Replaced by masks, track and trace and table service, no lunchtime meals. Sad. 

The only good thing is Covid can’t takeaway beach fun and that’s really all the children want. We spent all the time making a huge sandcastle town, much admired and photographed by people on then promenade. 

So here is a selection of pictures from our day. I hope you enjoy - of course blogger has muddled the order somewhat!!


  1. Like the blanket! The grandchildren sure have gotten tall. Beautiful little ones! xo take care!

  2. A day at Southwold is better that nothing. So sad you can’t go for longer. Looks like a lot of happiness was packed in a short time.


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Yours in friendship, Sue x