20 March 2021

Lockdown 3 - day 75

Welcome to Spring - longer days, more sunlight, though not much in evidence today. The promise of better days ahead.

Daffodils from the Farmers Market - 5 bunches for £2, a bargain. These blooms bring so much cheer into the house. Our garden has plenty but somehow I can’t bring myself to pick them. I would rather enjoy them out of the window. I know that the neighbours are enjoying the ones at the front of the house from the amount of people that stop and admire.  The magnolia is tentatively unfurling its petals, a full two weeks behind some photos of 2019, we missed it’s flowering last year with being in New Zealand.

The new lambs are growing fast, in just a week they are filling out. In the field on the other side of the pathway we noticed a lamb who had somehow got through the fence and was frantically trying to get back to its distressed mother. We watched for a bit hoping that it would find its way back but no, so Peter climbed the fence and cross the field and popped it back in with its mum. Both ran off without a backward glance and we went home knowing that it was unharmed by its ordeal.

Non shall pass - we had to retrace our steps today. I didn’t fancy risking it 

Celandine on the stream banks making a carpet of yellow

We long for the news to be better, whilst the UK seems to be improving with our numbers and vaccines, hopes of leaving the country to see our family seem to get further and further away. 

We have really had to learn a lesson in patience this past year

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Yours in friendship, Sue x