17 March 2021

Lockdown 3 - day 72

As I was going to St Ives ...... lots of daffodils on the outskirts of the village.  We are so lucky in Cambridgeshire, most of the villages plant bulbs along the grass verges to brighten up the village approaches.

So many blossom trees in flower too.  I walked in to give blood this afternoon and by the time I got there I could feel an itching in the back of my nose.  By the time I was in the chair connected up I was in full sneeze mode.  Not easy to try and stop sneezing when one arm has a large needle in it and you have a mask on, though at least it contained things.

Once outside I was in a mess, sneezing non stop and of course all the way home.  I honestly don’t recall having a reaction to pollen this early in the season. Luckily I have 8 days of allergy medication here so I’ll need to get stocked up, if this is a sign of things to come. Maybe I should wear my mask all the time?

The new lambs are starting to be turned out into the surrounding fields.  So cute, I could stand and watch them all day.

Right I need to go and find another book of tissues ....

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