23 March 2021

Lockdown 3 - day 78

One year. 

One year that changed the world.  Seriously did you honestly think this would still be going on?  I certainly hoped that life would be different, but here we are in fortress Britain. 

Life as we know it has changed and will continue to change. I can’t imagine a time when I will feel truly comfortable in a crowd again.  I think face masks will be around for a long time to come.  

I met with a friend today, we put the world to rights, as you do.  Discussing the fact that we are lucky in our neck of the woods to be in a relatively safe area, low numbers. Both knowing only a small number of people who have caught and recovered from the virus.  

I feel so sorry for those who have lost loved ones, it’s hard especially not being able to say goodbye.  But also I feel for the families split apart, missing their loved ones, time never to be regained.  Relationships strained by constant worries and close proximity. Education and opportunities lost. Livelihoods ruined.  I could go on and on. I know Boris has done a press conference this afternoon but I can’t bring myself to actually hear what he has to say. More of the same I’m guessing.  Let’s face it everyone/country has handled this situation wrongly, but what is right? I guess we will never know. 

So I’ll raise a glass - in memory of, thank you NHS and hope for an end to this current misery 

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes I fear the aftermath will be worse than the pandemic.


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