22 March 2021

Lockdown 3 - day 77

Here we are Monday again. Another week in paradise. The day started with brilliant sunshine - again it didn’t last. 

Laundry was tackled, when I say tackled, carried down stairs, put in the machines, I have two, so much quicker. Then hung out on the line.  It did actually dry, a breeze got up and finally blew the clouds away and we saw the sun for the last couple of hours of day light.

Mr Duck has taken to the roof tops again this spring. This morning he was on our neighbour, then this afternoon ours.  Kicking up a fuss for a while.  Maybe it’s easier to scope out the females from this height or he’d  lost his mate 

The snails have been feasting on my daffodils. So many this year have had their petals eaten off.  As much as I dislike putting pellets down, enough is enough

This weeks market daffs have orange centres for a change. Here are some with a few sprigs of forsythia which I snipped from my neighbours shrub that overhangs our garden. I get the pretty without having to deal with a rampant shrub.

The latest ten stitch is growing nicely 

The hellebores are still going strong

As are the primroses 

I did a bit more border tidying today and Peter cut the grass. We are looking neat again. 

Dinner this evening was Spaghetti Bolognaise, followed by tinned peaches and ice cream, so very 60/70s. Not sure when we last had the peaches but after a discussion about them the other week, I decided to buy some.  They were just as I remember. In fact when I was pregnant with both girls I got a craving for them and would sit and eat them straight from the tin. Before you ask - no I’m not!!!  It’s funny how certain food brings back memories, happy days 


  1. Love the duck on your roof! The flowers in your garden are pretty. Seems like you are really moving along on the ten stitch blanket. I've gotten my second shot last Thursday, so in a couple of weeks I'll be covered, but still have to wear my mask. I do feel better knowing I've got my shots. There are so many irresponsible people out there ,that it makes it bad for us that follow the rules. take care!


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Yours in friendship, Sue x